Android Apps for the Scooter Lover

Last time, we reviewed the best iPhone scooter apps and we pointed out that there aren’t many apps available to the American scooter riders. Today we are going to review the Android apps for scooters. Unfortunately, the case is even worse, independent of the nation, in general, there aren’t many apps for the scooter lovers […]

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New Zealanders on how to survive the scooter accident

Those of us who have never been to New Zealand often see its beautiful nature on TV and simply can’t help ourselves from admiring the country. But there are so many more things to admire about New Zealand. At least there are two more that are going to be mentioned in this article. First one, […]

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Why pick scooters to save costs?

Last week, one popular topic in the news was, how increasing gas prices helped boost up scooter sales. Finally, consumers started thinking about how they could cut down their transportation costs in terms of gas consumption. OK, let’s think about that… If we don’t consider public transportation, shared commute or bicycling, one option would be […]

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iPhone apps for the scooter rider

Unfortunately, there are not many apps available to the scooter riders in the US, except the ones providing nothing more than brand information to the fans. These include apps, such as iVespa, The Genuine Scooter Company, i.Lambretta, People GTi, etc. On the other hand Australia and Europe have some very useful apps. Get Twisted Pty […]

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